This is the 7th annual edition of the Global Review of Constitutional Law. Like prior editions, this 2022 edition of the Global Review assembles detailed but relatively brief reports on constitutional developments and cases during the past calendar year. Over 70 jurisdictions are covered in this 2022 edition. The reports are authored by scholars and or judges, and often the reports are co-authored by teams of judges and scholars. The reports in this first-of-its-kind series of volumes offer readers systematic knowledge that, previously, has been limited mainly to local networks rather than a broader readership. By making this information available to the larger field of public law in an easily digestible format, we aim to increase the base of knowledge upon which scholars and judges can draw. We expect to repeat the project every year with new annual reports, and we hope over time that coverage will grow to an even wider range of countries. We invite scholars and jurists from the presently non-covered jurisdictions to contact us about contributing a report in next year’s Global Review. The Global Review of Constitutional Law is sponsored by the Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin.
Keywords: Comparative Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law, Constitutional Politics, Constitutional Courts, Supreme Courts, Global Constitutionalism, Comparative Law, Public Law, I-CONnect, Judicial Review, Judicial Politics
Автор |
Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna and Giulia Andrade |
Рiк видання |
2023 |
Мова |
англійська |
Кiлькiсть сторiнок |
388 |
Кiлькiсть скачувань |
17 |